Sunday, June 16, 2013

Hi there folks!

We are officially opening to the public this Saturday, June 22nd at 7:00am sharp! Be ready to pick some blues because crops are very late this season, and we are getting very sporadic growth! There are a lot of ripe ones, but still plenty green ones. First come, first serve! See you there!

Monday, June 10, 2013

2013 Season! We Are Almost There!

Hi there fellow pickers!

We are delighted to know that you view our blog. It is essential for us to get the word around about the Berry Shed. For those of you wondering about hours and prices, here you go!

Hours: Tuesday-Saturday 7:00am-5:00pm

Prices: U-Pick-$2.95

We are hoping the warm temps this week will ripen the berries. Can't wait to see y'all!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Happy Hump Day!


 Yesterday was a great day for the Berry Shed. We had so many pickers out! Let's have a big shout out to the mom's group that came out with their little tots who absolutely LOVED the sizable bushes. They were so cute! The kids, I mean :). Sir Andy is here and he is enjoying all of the attention he is getting. Yesterday was a good day to pick in the morning, but there was no breeze AT ALL and we were getting parched! Today seems fairly great so far since there is a little wind here and there. Sometimes I wish there was a giant pool around! Our pickers, Jade, Megan, Caitlyn, Meghan, and Hannah are all doing great. Jade has already picked a 10 pound bucket this morning! We have plenty of already picked bags, so if you are not wanting to work up a sweat, we suggest you go that route. If you are wanting to pick today, I suggest you bring some sun screen. It's a killer out there! But it is also loads of fun. The Berry Shed will be at the Pittsburg, Kansas Farmer's Market on Saturday at 7:30-Noon. There, we will sell a pint for $5. But don't worry! We will have the farm open as well. Come before all the berries run out! (It's probably not likely!) Check our prices on the page below.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

Hello All!

Today was our first day at the Pittsburg Farmer's Market! It was so much fun and we met so many people! We also had a lot of visitors at the farm today. I hope you are all enjoying a great Memorial Weekend. We will be closed tomorrow, Sunday, May 27. The bushes need some time catching up! Thanks and have a safe holiday!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Happy Summer!

Sorry I haven't been updating this frequently. We have been so busy with managing the blueberry crop and making sure they reach their best best potential! My cousin Emily and my grandma came back down from Kansas City again to help. Looks like they just can't resist us!

June 21st was the first official of summer!! And not to mention the longest day of the year! Summer is nice, don't you agree? What are your plans for vacation? Or maybe just a staycation?

We thank all of the Joplin Outlaw Baseball guys for coming out here and helping out!

Well, this is a short one, so I will try to update this more often! Yay!

Stop by The Berry Shed!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Good Mood Food

Hey there, Pickers! Good Morning to yeh! I hope everyone's Father's Day was exponential. We had a very nice weekened and we thank you for braving the heat to come out and pick some blueberries. It is super windy out right now. But dont let that stop you! (I heard that wind blown hair is in style now!)
I just got attacked by a killer bumblebee. Not really, but I thought it would raise the viewing rates. :P

We already have a bucket full of freshly picked blueberries this morning!

Hello new employeessssss! My cousin Emily and her friend Alex came all the way from Kansas City, Missouri just to help us out! I might have told them we would go swimming as well.... A little bribery doesn't hurt. :)

We saw the new movie, "Just Go With It" last night, and it was actually pretty cute. Jennifer Aniston is so genuine and I love Adam Sandler's humor. Very nice. I would recommend it most definitely.

So on Friday or Saturday (I can't remember which) I picked our record breaking blueberry! Yayayayyay! Here is a picture ^^^      ***Size may appear smaller than in real life***

We enjoy your company, so come on out to The Berry Shed on Hwy 43 in Webb City , Missouri!

Thanks Y'all

Friday, June 17, 2011


Hellllllllllooooooo people! TGIF! Yay! Isn't it just a great feeling to know that the weekend is at your fingertips? I hope all of you out there have a grand 'ol time with your dad on Father's Day on Sunday. They totally deserve a break! And so do you! Stop by The Berry Shed this weekend. We are definitely going to be open! If you think it will rain, I will do the rain dance and it won't rain. Problem solved!

Thanks to all the moms and their little ones yesterday who came by and picked LOADS of blueberries! We love little kids and love to see them have a great time. The weather treated us very well yesterday. Let's just say it was AWESOME. Thanks to Jenni Sexton for being the great mastermind to that cool play-date! As for Liam, (the little guy in the picture above) try to keep your pants on next time, okay? :)

Fireflies! It is Summer and they are all around! I have had my fair share of running around like a crazy person in the field shouting, "I got one, I got o- awh man, it flew away!" with my friend Jesse Kinzer. He comes back from camp today! So exciting. But anyways... it wasn't the actual insect I wanted to mention. Have you ever heard of the singer/beat-boxer Andy Grammer? As he has the same awesome name as my dog, he writes/sings/plays really neat songs such as "Fireflies,""Keep Your Head Up," and "Fine By Me." His songs are the kind that you want to listen to on a nice summer day with the windows down in your car. His voice is very clean and pure, and just very nice. :) If you want to check him out, he has a free song on iTunes called "Miss Me." He just released his album a few days ago and I am hooked. Andy Grammer click here!

As for The Berry Shed and its customers, you probably want to know who is writing this blog. Hey, my name is Hannah and you will see me if you come to pick some berries. I am going to be a senior in high school and I am stoked. I like talking to people, so don't be afraid to come on down to the farm and talk up a storm! :) Well, here is the Sunrise of the Day!   ...the only sunrise of the day... Enjoy the weekend, folks! I will be back on Monday!